Keyword Discovery - FAQ

What is a Google API Key, why do I need one, and where can I get one?

What is a Google API key ?
A Google API key is a unique code that is required to query the Google API database. A key can be used to query the Google API database up to 1000 times per day. Obtaining a Google API key is free of charge.

Why do I need a Google API key ?
The occurrence figures (an estimate of the number of pages in which each search term appears) are obtained from the Google API database. To view the occurrences, a Google API key must be obtained from Google, and entered into your Keyword discovery account. A Google API query/credit is used each time an occurrence is retrieved for an individual keyword. eg. If you analyze 10 keywords, 10 Google API credits will be used. Keyword discovery will display the number of remaining credits (queries) for the day after each analysis is performed.

Where can I get a Google API key?
Please visit Google at to obtain your free Google API key.

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